Motorsport Photography

Most people who have taken up photography have probably been inspired to do so by seeing the results of others’ efforts and thinking, “I could do that!” That was the case for me, and it was motorsports photography that inspired me to pursue the hobby. For others, it may have been other sports such as rugby, soccer, tennis, netball,…

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Nature Photography

Nature photography, also known as wildlife photography, involves capturing images of animals, plants, and natural scenes in their natural habitats. This type of photography aims to showcase the beauty and diversity of the natural world, often highlighting wildlife behaviour, landscapes, and ecosystems. It requires patience, skill, and sometimes specialized equipment to get the perfect shot. As digital camera technology…

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Night Photography

Night photography is one of the trickiest things to master.  Not just because the subject is hard to find but also because the shadows will make it more difficult for the amateur photographer to take a good shot. Here are some tips that any photographer can use to improve their night photography. Safety The first thing of course that…

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Portrait Photography

The essence of portrait photography is to immortalise the image of a person or of a small group of persons in a positive manner. The photograph always focuses on the person’s face even though the entire body can be displayed. Many people enjoy having professional portraits made at some special occasions like a wedding or a graduation prom; this…

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Lake and Trees Reflection

When I started out in photography, one of the things I was very keen to do was capture the amazing colours of the seasons – autumn being the most magical. The way the leaves change colour, and the the light can glance across the trees and leaves is a truly amazing experience. The picture below was taken in a…

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